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1962Year starts operations under natl charter

repts merger with Gotham Bank under Royal Natl name approved by dirs of both BANKS WILL MEET ON MERGER TODAY; Royal National and Gotham to Use Day-Old Powers

1955Year Chmn Grace holds Justice Dept failure to speed decision on proposed merger with Youngstown delays expansion and other plans

repts merger would raise Youngstown output by at least 3 million tons yrly at 1/3 cost of new integrated facilities; merger case revd BETHLEHEM HEAD HITS COURT DELAY; Grace Asks Early Decision on Youngstown Merger -- He Cites 9-Month Peak Net

1968Year Brit Prices and Incomes Bd proposes doing away with telegraph service

repts message vol dropped from 65-million a yr to 8- to 10-million in 10 yrs; says Govt loses about 60¢ a telegram TELEGRAM'S USE FADING IN BRITAIN; Price Board, Noting Losses, Suggests End of Service

1967Year J Gould comment

repts message was shown live on 70 noncommercial stations in 1-night hook-up by Natl Educ TV under special Ford Foundation grant TV: Johnson Hails Educational Video; Urges Its Development as 'Vital Public Service'

1972Year T Hoving reply to J Canaday's Feb 27 article criticizing museums' practice of selling works from their own collections

repts Met Museum has disposed of about 15,000 works of art in past 20 yrs through public sales, exchs and private transactions, in each case as part of carefully considered, long‐term program, the ultimate objective of which has been to upgrade and refine quality of the collections Art

1953Year Brit Under Sec Ward scores withdrawal

repts Meteorological Office conducts survey to determine adverse effects on Brit forecasting FORECASTING HELD HURT; British Decry U. S. Withdrawal of Atlantic Weather Ships

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