1929Year Membership extension program planned at luncheon BEGIN DRIVE TO ENROLL 60,000 IN FEDERATION
Jewish Charity Leaders Map Plans of Luncheon to Make Support as Wide as Service.
1929Year Opens membership campaign FEDERATION BEGINS DRIVE FOR MEMBERS
Jewish Charity Organization Hopes to Put 50,000 New Families on Its Rolls. WOULD DEMOCRATIZE WORK 2,000 Attend Opening Dinner at Which Organization's Five Presidents Are Honored. Discusses Commerce and Peace. The Radio Speakers.
1940Year N Y-Bklyn Feds women's div youth and crime forum plans Youth and Crime Forum
Jewish Charity Unit Holds First Of Three Symposia Friday
1956Year Retiring pres Mendelsohn repts Bd served 6,600 people in '55, budget was $1.9 million AGENCY WARNED ON AID
Jewish Charity Urged Not to Rely on Government Funds
1932Year Assn of Fed of Workers protests against new pay cuts FIGHT NEW PAY CUTS.
Jewish Charity Workers See Their Standards of Living Threatened.
1960Year M Dacker gets 1,500th award 1,5OOTH AWARD GIVEN
Jewish Child Care Agency Aids Manhattan Student