1937Year Municipal DIRECTOR, BROOKLYN CANCER INSTITUTE. Salary: $4.500 per annum
penson; fair sick leave. Ages: Preferred 35 through 50, on July 16, 1937. Candidates not more than 55 may be admitted to this examination if they present qualifications sufficiently outstanding to warrant exception as to age. Vacancies: One, in the Department of Hospitals. Applications: Received 9 A. M., Thursday, July 1, to 4 P. M., Friday, July 16. Room 1400, Municipal Building, Manhattan. The Civil Service
1958Year THE native beardtongue (penstemon) has become a choice garden flower. Three promising new garden types have been developed -- the Flathead Lake strain and the Seeba and Fate hybrids. PROMISING HYBRIDS
Penstemon Specialists Develop Trio Of Tall, Bright-Flowered Types
1929Year J A Berkey, indicted for conspiracy to violate dry law, pensioned INDICTED JUDGE WINS A FULL STATE PENSION
Pensylvania Board Grants $194 a Month to John A. Berkey, Accused in Dry Law Conspiracy.
1925Year WILKES-BARRE, Pa., Aug. 27. -- One hundred and fifty-eight thousand anthracite miners of this region settled down tonight to preparations for a suspension of operations for an indefinite period, following the strike call issued from Philadelphia headquarters by International President John L. Lewis. MINERS READY TO QUIT.
Pensylvania Collieries Work Feverishly to Fill Orders.
2000Year Wave of rioting sweeps Arab communities inside Israel, pitting Arab citizens against state's security forces and shaking foundations of Jewish-Arab coexistence in Israel
pent up feelings of discrimination, sympathy for Palestinian brothers and outrage over visit to Muslim sites by rightist Israeli opposition leader Ariel Sharon bring thousands into streets (S) Old Anger of Israeli Arabs Finds Vent
1945Year WASHINGTON, May 5--American war and industrial planners have chalked up victory in Europe as an accomplished fact, and the production pendulum this week was beginning to swing back toward a peacetime economy. V-E DAY TO INCREASE U. S. PRICE AND SUPPLY PROBLEMS
Pent-Up Demand and Buying Power Will Absorb Trickle of Civilian Goods