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1954Year 1 of 3 Brit bns to be moved to W Ger, cutting garrison to 6,000

move seen proof of accord imminence; Yugoslavs held to demand guarantees for language-groups BRITAIN REDUCING TRIESTE GARRISON; Moving Battalion to Germany -- Italian-Yugoslav Pact Held Two Weeks Off

1952Year Cracow Abp Baziak reptd seized for alleged anti-state acts

move seen protest against Abp Wyszynski elevation to Cardinal and start of new anti-Cath drive; Wyszynski trip to Rome doubtful Anti-State Acts Charged

1954Year Consulate in Gibraltar closed

move seen protest against Queen Elizabeth's planned visit Spain's Gibraltar Consulate Closing in Boycott of Queen; Madrid Seeks to Avoid Any 'Discourtesy' to Elizabeth During Her Call in May -- Claim to Fortress a Sore Issue SPAIN'S CONSULATE IN GIBRALTAR SHUT

1969Year Sask Prov orders producers to raise prices after Jan 1

move seen raising const issues in Canada and prompting antitrust action in US; illus Saskatchewan Orders an Increase in Potash Prices; Change Could Raise Antitrust Question in United States Saskatchewan Orders Increase In the Price Levels for Potash

1963Year GB to accept USSR oil deal

move seen raising indus and strategic objections; USSR proposal is for maximum 2 million tons of oil to be exported to GB yrly Britain Will Allow Soviet Oil Imports; BRITAIN TO ADMIT OIL FROM SOVIET

1966Year Haber says adm has agreed to submit to arbitration whether workloads and manning are bargaining issues, news conf

move seen raising possibility PBA will get voice in hiring and assignments POLICE, FIREMEN WIN ARBITRATION; Talks Set to Resume as City Gives In on Duty Issue

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