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1973Year 27th body is found in Houston on Aug 13, making crime the largest multiple murder case in US history

involvement of E W Henley and D O Brooks with killer D A Corll extends back 3 yrs, but police do not know when slayings began; Brooks says that Corll had talked of killings before he knew him; incidents revd; backgrounds of Corll, Henley and Brooks detailed; Henley gives account of his alleged slaying of Corll; 2 young persons who were with him at time of Corll's death are identified as T C Kerley, 20, and Rhonda Williams, 15; Corll illus Texas Toll of Boys Rises to 27 In Nation's Biggest Slaying Case

1961Year Govt weighs shift to driving on right side of rd after inquiry favors change by '66

involvement of foreigners in over 300 accidents, '60, linked Sweden May Shift Road Traffic To the Right to Curb Accidents; Foreigners Figured in 300 Crashes in Year -- Inquiry Favors a Change in 1966 -- Regime Fights Drunkenness

1965Year approval seen adding complications to case

involvement of Humble Oil, Tenn Gas Transmission, Transwestern Pipeline and El Paso Natural Gas discussed GAS SUPPLY CASE ADDS COMPLEXITY; California Agency Supports Gulf Pacific Application GAS SUPPLY CASE ADDS COMPLEXITY

2005Year L-3 Communications is working to reach agreement to acquire rival Titan Corp for about $2 billion

involvement of Lehman Brothers on both sides of deal has Wall Street questioning such arrangements; Lehman's bankers are acting as advisers to Titan while providing financing for deal to L-3; arrangement is unusual because board of L-3 did not hire adviser or independent firm to examine deal and provide so-called fairness opinion; arrangement may raise even more questions because of L-3's ties to Lehman: two Lehman executives are directors of L-3 and sit on compensation committee (M) Lehman Role Questioned in Deal Talks

1996Year Peace talks aimed at ending Guatemala's 35-year-old civil war--expected to culminate in signing of final agreement in December '96--have hit unexpected snag as result of admission by leftist guerrillas that top commander, Rafael Valdizon Nunez, carried out recent kidnapping of handicapped, elderly woman, who is matriarch of prominent family

involvement of Nunez has generated public outcry that has led Government to suspend negotiations indefinitely (M) Kidnapping Is Snagging Guatemalan Peace Talks

1975Year article on French Health Min anti-smoking campaign

involvement of Pres Valery Giscard d'Estaing, Premier Jacques Chirac and Health Min Simone Veil discussed; Govt has proposed legis to ban smoking in public bldgs, to print health hazard warnings on products of state-monopoly tobacco indus and to restrict TV and radio ad; nation's smoking habits discussed; campaign described (M) France Opens First Drive on Smoking

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