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1943Year S on Comm to Study Organization of Peace program for internatl peace organization, comm conf WORLD PEACE UNIT UNDER PACT URGED

Shotwell and Eichelberger for League of Nations Based on Moscow Agreement HULL ACHIEVEMENT HAILED ' Most Unique Exploit' in History of America, Professor Says -- Action Now Stressed

1939Year conf on Canadian-Amer affairs planned TO CONFER ON AFFAIRS OF U.S. AND CANADA

Shotwell and McCoy to Speak at St. Lawrence University

1940Year Drs J T Shotwell and W A Neilson outline plans PEACE STUDIES OUTLINED

Shotwell and Neilson List the Subjects to Be Covered

1960Year Dr Shotwell sees UN slowly bldg peace, int U.N. PIONEER SEES HOPES FOR PEACE

Shotwell Cites Substitute for War -- Historian, 85, to Be Honored This Week

1938Year S on Canadian-Amer relations, Me Univ BOND WITH CANADA A 'PEACE EXAMPLE'

Shotwell Cites Value to the World in Our Relation to the Dominion PROSPER IN MUTUALITY In Address at Maine Session on Common Interests, He Stresses Two Nations' 'Way of Life'

1943Year map showing 6 focal points in Eur and Africa CONFERENCE URGED TO PLAN FOR PEACE

Shotwell Commission Asks United Nations to Organize Now on 'Continuing' Basis CONFERENCE URGED TO PLAN FOR PEACE

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