1958Year Julia Richman HS has 4 fires after students get matches ad Bankers Trust branch
more schools closed as result of Fire Dept inspections School Has 4 Fires After Pupils Receive Matchbooks as Ads
1938Year Lr on rr finances Letters to The Times
More Schools Demanded Estimate Board Action on the Building Program Is Protested Action Not Understood Challenge Put to Voters Urges Citizens Speak Up Rail Bondholders' Burden Senator Wheeler's Loan Proposal Is Held Inimical to 'Forgotten Men' Unfairness Seen No Compromise Suggested Merit System Examinations Fault Is Found With Arbitrary Ratings and Some Restrictions Mr. Ickes on 'Doodads' Consumer and Tariff BEAST
1938Year mystery surrounds Henlein's absences from country PRAGUE WOULD GIVE CULTURAL LIBERTY
More Schools for the Various Language Groups Planned Under -Nationality Statute
1938Year Progressive Educ Comm on Relation of School and Coll study of 30 schools shows students entering coll after special broad study course excel those taking entrance exams
more schools join program PROGRESSIVE PLAN GAINS IN COLLEGES; Students Entering Under It Slightly Excel Those Taking Entrance Examinations
1941Year method outlined
more schools planned Canada Develops Pilot Output On Detroit Assembly Line Plan; Raw Material Is Sorted and Graded Before Training -- 33 More Schools Planned for September -- Best and Most Is Slogan
1941Year Evening school enrollment increases
more schools to be opened MORE NIGHT CLASSES HERE; 5,000 Gain Expected in Adult Enrollment Over 1940