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1962Year Sen subcom queries Marshall on past assns and legal background

Sen Johnston says hearings will end soon; Sen Dodd scores delay; is 3d Dem on full com to endorse Marshall Marshall's Standing as Lawyer Is Challenged in Senate Hearing

1950Year AFL Lr Carriers sec J J Keating charges PO Dept ordered improved service whenever people complain

Sen Johnston sees cuts modified soon 'Howls' Spur Deliveries, Mailmen's Leader Says

1954Year Sen Humphrey sees Sen approval of 18

Sen Johnston urges decision be left to states SENATE EXPECTED TO APPROVE SLASH IN VOTING AGE TO 18; House and States Still Must Act -- Inquiry Opens Today on Atomic Law Changes SENATE EXPECTED TO CUT VOTING AGE

1959Year Sen subcom sets hearings on Keating bill for Gen Aniline sale

Sen Johnston urges delay pending litigation outcome, lr to Rogers HEARING SCHEDULED IN ANILINE SALE BILL

1949Year House debate set

Sen joint com votes to reopen hearings for opposition views; House factions seek cuts HOUSE TO DEBATE ARMS AID TODAY; SENATE BILL LAGS; Lower House Passage Is Held Certain This Week as Rules Body Limits Speech Time SENATE REOPENS HEARINGS Combined Committees to Let Critics Appear -- MacArthur Again Declines to Testify HOUSE TO DEBATE ARMS AID TODAY

2004Year Bret Schundler and Douglas Forrester formally announce their candidacies for Republican nomination for governor of New Jersey

Sen Jon Corzine also gives his long-awaited announcement that he will run for Democratic nomination; acting Gov Richard J Codey has indicated that he will announce his intentions in January (S) Campaign Kickoffs, Escher-Like Exercises

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