1974Year Pres Ford's consumer affairs adviser Virginia Knauer announces that her office will produce series of public service radio shows designed to help Amers deal with inflation
says notices of programs' availability are being sent out to 6,000 radio stations; some guests noted; spokesman says programs will be available for broadcast on Oct 3 (S) Radio Shows Planned To Deal With Inflation
1969Year Consumer Affairs Dept holds pub hearing on parking garages and lots, calls on indus to provide profit and loss statements in light of rapidly increasing rates that have reached $80-90 a mo in some parts of Manhattan
says notification of rate rises are being filed at rate of 100-150 a mo; says it recd complaints about surly garage employes, dented fenders and confusing signs; indus reprs indicate they will not comply with request for financial statements; hold vast majority of operators' are not making substantial profits; Met Parking Assn counsel links consumer complaints to problem of finding adequate garage employes; says indus does not attract 'highest caliber' worker RATES ON PARKING TARGET OF IRQUlRY; City Asks Garages to File Profit and Loss Data
1972Year Maine Atty Gen J S Erwin repts on Aug 25 that 465 Maine consumers have been told they can cancel certain sales contracts totaling $80,000 and demand return of their money
says notification results from alleged violations of Consumer Protection and Home Solicitation Sales Acts by Lincoln Services Inc, of Pekin, Ill, and Filter Queen Sales Center Inc, of NH Consumers Get Advantage
2003Year John McWhorter Op-Ed article contends comment by Rush Limbaugh that got him fired as commentator for ESPN injects some honesty into public discourse about race
says noting that Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Donovan McNabb may be overrated because of his skin color is not bigotry, but rather a statement on evolving national consciousness that has not yet gotten 'past race' (M) Within Bounds
1971Year Pittsburgh Natl sr vp Yeo warns against too‐easy monetary policy, possibly as part of 'deal' between Pres Nixon and Chmn Burns, analysis
says notion is that Burns has in some manner indicated that change towards ease may result from adoption of incomes policy Analysts Hail Nixon's Move
2005Year Bob Herbert Op-Ed column says Army has cleared four of five top officers responsible for prison policies and operations in Iraq at time of Abu Ghraib prison abuse scandal
says notion of command accountability has been discarded under Pres Bush; says grunts get court-martialed and people who foul up at the top are promoted; calls for truly independent commission to thoroughly investigate US interrogation and detention operations, and clear statement from government that torture and other inhumane treatment will not be tolerated under any circumstances (M) On Abu Ghraib, the Big Shots Walk