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1975Year ed declares NYC Council and Estimate Bd are winding up their annual rev of Mayor Beame's capital budget in 'typical charade' that argues strongly for sweeping kind of reform recommended by NYS Charter Revision Comm

holds lawmakers have paid almost no attention to central issue in this and other recent capital budgets--massive inclusion of noncapital items that have progressively squeezed out opportunities for investing in needed new facilities and have loaded city's taxpayers with 'unconscionable' burden of debt to cover current spending Capital Budget Reform

1967Year Natl Crime Comm rept scores laws barring ex-convicts from voting and exercising other rights of citizens

holds laws are often out of proportion to crime committed and act to impede efforts at rehabilitation PANEL HIS CURBS ON EX-CRIMINALS; Loss of Right to Vote Scored by Crime Commission Unit

2004Year Editorial urges Supreme Court to overturn laws that bar wine sellers from shipping directly to customers in other states

holds laws discriminate against interstate commerce and hurt consumers Interstate Wine Sales

2003Year Editorial deplores Supreme Court ruling upholding law requiring libraries to use filters on all computers with Internet access to get federal aid

holds laws goal of preventing children from accessing pornography is legitimate; sees ruling dening adults ability to see substantial amount of data online; urges libraries to weigh new challenge to law Internet Filters and Free Speech

1999Year Letter from Elizabeth Forel, director of Coalition for New York City Animals, laments suffering of New York City's carriage horses during periods of high heat and humidity, noting that even if horses are taken off streets their stuffy stables provide questionable respite

holds laws governing carriage horses need to be revisited with an eye toward improving horses' quality of life Horses Overheat, Too

1978Year ed on Carter's efforts and web of restrictions on Pres freedom to conduct foreign policy

holds laws need to be re-examined Untying the President's Hands

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