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1968Year M Raskin, organizing '4th' party, is on nationwide tour to get support and start local groups collecting signatures needed to place candidates on ballot in their states

NY group met to map plans; needs 12,000 signatures, including 50 from every county gathered between July 30 and Sept 9; voters who signed petitions for June 18 primary or who voted in it are ineligible to sign; purpose of party would be to have alternative if Humphrey, Nixon and Wallace arc candidates; Raskin gives phone int from Boston; NY spokesman says move is aimed to force Dem conv to consider McCarthy; McCarthy not interested; other possible candidates include Rockefeller, Lindsay and Sen McGovern 4TH-PARTY DRIVE GAINS MOMENTUM; Organizer Is Touring Nation to Spur Signature Effort

1945Year greet Pres and Mrs Roosevelt on wedding anniv

NY group plans birthday party to mark organization 33d anniv GIRLS GREET ROOSEVELTS; Camp Fire Group Hails Them on 40th Wedding Anniversary

1950Year Dirs re-elected

NY group plans suit to revoke election results BYERS MANAGEMENT WINS; Pittsburgh Group Retains Control, All Directors Re-elected

1946Year new rate schedule expected

NY group spokesman comments LAUNDRIES FIGURE RISE; New Rate Schedule Expected to Be Ready Next Week

1949Year NY Age employes (non-union) strike to protest 9 dismissals

NY Guild to conciliate WORK HALTED ON PAPER; Employes of The New York Age Protest Laying Off of 9

1943Year US preparations for men and material transport described

NY Harbor illus The Port of a Thousand Secrets; A privileged tour of New York Harbor, which just now teems with ships, men and material moving out to war.

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