2002Year Colson Whitehead article on convergence of television ratings sweeps week and Nov election season
holds democracy reduced to entertainment and mundane elevated to entertainment occupy same comfortable level of mediocrity; photo (M) Swept Away
1974Year Economist econ ed Brian Reading article on inability of democracy and inflation to co-exist
holds democracy requires strong sense of natl unity and inflation sets soc groups against another; says The Economist study on inflation revealed that no country which has sustained rate of inflation over 20% for long has been, or has remained, stable; cites role of unemployment in Keynsian philosophy; notes Dem govts, frightened by rising unemployment, have to push up demand through deficit financing and expanding money supply; says once prices are rising at double-figure rates, necessary unemployment to bring them down becomes intolerable and search for alternative in wage and price controls begins; recalls econ situation in Germany in '20s and notes disarray in current world banking and financial system; cites collapse of banks in Ger, US and Switzerland; says civil disorder is re-emerging in various parts of world; illus (M) History's Parallels Are Plentiful, and They All Say No
1998Year Editorial endorses re-election of Conn Gov John Rowland, Republican
holds Democratic challenger, Repr Barbara Kennelly, has conducted 'terribly disappointing campaign' Re-elect Governor Rowland
1998Year A M Rosenthal Op-Ed column contends Pres Clinton has one great service he can offer to his country--swift resignation
holds Democratic leaders, and his true friends out of Government, owe to to him to urge him to resign, in critical interest of all Americans, particularly those he is sending into action; argues that loss in credibility he earned with his quick decision to attack Iraq, although his impeachment was likely the next day, will dilute chances of lasting victory over Saddam Hussein; contends Clinton created two obstacles to eliminating Saddam--a mountain of cynicism, and another of disbelief (M) On My Mind; What Clinton Can Do
1996Year Paul Berman article notes Republicans have been charging in Presidential races since 1968 that Democrats undermined national morality
holds Democratic liberals, examining charge against themselves, saw Bob Dole surrounding self at Republican National Convention with symbols of post-1968 era; holds Pres Clinton has dealt with charge skillfully; drawing (M) Clinton Does Battle With Chicago '68
2002Year Maynard H Jacksokn, former Atlanta mayor who lost out to Terry McAuliffe for chairmanship of Democratic National Committee last year, writes McAuliffe this week demanding meeting of party's executive committee to discuss midterm election 'horror show' and 'correct our course immediately'
holds Democratic victory in 2004, including key Southern states, 'will require that we not waste a minute'; photo (M) Democratic Committee Member Calls for Change of Course