2001Year Aggressive reintroduction program puts puffins back on Eastern Egg Rock, 11-acre island off Mid-Maine coast
island had been puffin habitat until 1880's; island has 37 nesting pairs this summer, and 25 puffins not yet old enough to breed; photos (M) After 120 Years, Puffins Are at Home Off Maine Coast
1977Year 262 financial insts maintain offices in Nassau and yield $30-million annually in Govt revenues
island has become center of Eurodollar mkt activity; island's tax-free policy and its tight bank secrecy laws cited as factors in its upsurge as internatl banking center; illus (L) In Bahamas, Banking Is Second Only to Tourism
2002Year Tourism in Hawaii, almostly totally dependent on air travel and deeply impacted by September 11 terrorist attacks, has gradually recovered
island has become hot destination not only for Japanese travelers but for mainland Americans (M) Hawaii's Tourism Shows Signs of Recovery
1951Year TAIPEI, Jan. 20--The obvious determination of the Chinese Communists to get Formosa, either by political or military means, underlines the importance which the Peiping regime attaches to this Nationalist-held island. FORMOSA LOOMS AS KEY TO FAR EAST STRUGGLE
Island Has Become Vitally Important To Communists and Pacific Defense
1975Year Tent city on Guam holding estimated 12,000 to 17,000 S Vietnamese refugees will be evacuated within 1 wk as typhoon threat nears
island has been free from typhoon winds since season started May 1; while many refugees will be evacuated to Indiantown Gap, Eglin Air Force Base, Ft Chaffee and Camp Pendleton refugee centers in US, about 1,200 have asked UN Refugee Comm for repatriation to Vietnam; some adverse effects of refugees living in close qrs on Guam described; illus (L) Refugees' Tent City on Guam Is Closing to Avoid Typhoon Peril
1973Year Golden Gate National Recreation Area: Natl Park Service announces that Alcatraz, former Fed prison, will be open to public about Nov 1, for 1st time since it was ceded to US by Mexico in 1848
island has been part of 36,000-acre Golden Gate Natl Recreation Area since Oct '72; Park Service also announces that it is soliciting bids for visitor transportation service; W J Whalen, supt of Golden Gate Natl Recreation Area, took reporters on preview tour of island; Park Service will spend $15,000 to $25,000 cleaning up island end adding safety features; Whalen says current plans call for 5 yrs of tours and these will help Park Service determine ultimate use for island; illus Park Service Will Open Alcatraz to Public This Fall