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1973Year Article on 11th Duke of Marlborough

notes he owns Blenheim Palace, built by Queen Anne 250 yrs ago for J Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough, but does not sleep there; Duke and Duchess, former Swedish Countess D R Douglas, comment on castle and tourists that trek through it; illus of Duke and Duchess A Palace Is Not a Home To Duke of Marlborough

1974Year Gov‐elect Hugh L Carey asserts his intention to reform NYS Dem party by creating new level of regional coordinators to give greater representation to suburbs, int, Dem Govs Conf, Hilton Head Island, SC

notes he plans to travel to various regions of state as much as possible for ‘onsite consultations'; describes more responsive party structure that would be generated by himself and other Dems (M) Carey Urges Quick Action On Naming of Rockefeller Says He Personally Favor's Approval :Tells Party at Governors Conference to Stick to Tread and Butter Issues’

1962Year Lt Col Glenn at meeting, NYC

notes he prods son David to make Eagle Scout Youths Boom 'Glenn 4 President'; Makeshift Banner Is Waved as Crowds Cheer Astronaut

1972Year HR Banking Com chmn Repr Patman says Adm will send to Cong next wk legis raising official price of gold from $35 to $38

notes he promised Nixon that com will move legis quickly; holds com does not anticipate major difficulties in clearing bill; says he hopes submission of legis will end 'senseless' speculation in world's gold mkts Bill to Be Sent Next Week

1977Year Article on Repr John Brademas, new HR majority whip and head of orgn comprised of 22 regional whips and 3 deputies

notes he ranks 3d in HR Dem hierarchy, behind Speaker and majority leader; says his job is 1 of persuasion; his illus (M) Majority Whip Wields Power by Persuasion

1977Year Article on HR Speaker Thomas P O'Neill, and zest with which he pursues his job

notes he ranks just behind Pres Carter as most powerful elected pol figure in nation; notes his strengths; claims his power rests in his determination to dramatize authority of Cong and his control over partisan votes; describes typical day for O'Neill; says he feels relationship between Cong and Pres Carter has improved; O'Neill illus with Reprs Dan Rostenkowski, Bill Alexander, James C Wright and John Brademas (M) The Speaker Takes a Look at His House:‘I Love This Job’

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