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1964Year LONDON, Dec. 27 &#8212

Mail service here has also been interrupted over the three‐day Christmas weekend. In the past, mail has been delivered Christmas morning and on the day after Christmas, which is a public holiday here. This year the General Post Office cut out deliveries on Dec. 25 and 26. London Mail Piles Up


Mail Service Ordered When Process Servers Fail.

1931Year Passenger service to Costa Rica to be discontinued while airport at Santa Ana is being reconditioned

mail service to continue San Jose Airline Service Cut.

1936Year Northwest Airlines plane with 2 pilots unreptd ANOTHER AIRPLANE MISSING IN WEST

Mail Ship, With Two Pilots but No Passengers, Is Now Unreported. NEW CLUE IN FIRST CASE Flares in Nevada Held Possibly Sent Up by Craft Which Disappeared With Seven.

1938Year lr urging U S naval tour of South Amer as good-will gesture SINGING DOWN TO RIO

Mail Shows a Sharp Gain for Uncle Sam In South American Radio Courtship

1957Year B D Cox on direct mail as 'soft sell' medium Advertising: A Long Drink, but Not of Water

Mail Soft Sell Theatre Fare Accounts People Addenda

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