1964Year WHITINSVILLE, Mass., March 14—
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Henry Smith have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Katherine Brady Smith, to Michael John O'Sullivan. He is the son of Mrs. Maurice F. O'Sullivan of New York and the late Mr. O'Sullivan. Smith—O'Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Leo J. Ehrhart Are Hosts -- Danvers Polo Team to Play Today.
1973Year ROSLYN HEIGHTS, L. I., Feb. 10—
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Kornblath have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Ilene Kornblath, to Dr. Peter Steven Rosenbaum, son of Mrs. Abner Kupperman of New York and the late Leroy Rosenbaum. P. S. Rosenbaum to Wed Miss Kornblath
1970Year WESTPORT, Conn., Dec. 5 —
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Nevas have announced the engage ment of their daughter, Miss Jo‐Ann Nevas, to Michael P. Price, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Price of Chicago. A February wedding is planned_ Miss Jo‐Ann Nevas To Wed in Winter
1939Year Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bayne Johnston gave a dinner last night at the Madison. Their guests included Mr. and Mrs. Arnall P. Hodges, Mr. and Mrs. J. Sanford Shanley, Mrs. Mr. Gautier Varlet, Mrs. W.H. Blau velt Cooper, Miss. Elizabeth Estes WALTER JOHNSTONS ARE DINNER HOSTS
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Nunes Also Entertain--Miss Nancy M. Woodbury Has Guests MRS. HILL-JONES HONORED Prospective Bride Is Feted at a Luncheon Given by Mrs. John T.H. Mitchell
1964Year GREAT NECK, L.I., Sept. 26—
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Paul have made known the betrothal of their daughter, Miss Barbara Helene Paul, to Charles Raskob Robinson, Son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Apel Robinson of Avondale, Pa. Barbara H. Paul To Be the Bride Of C.R. Robinson; Yale Law Senior and a Johns Hopkins Ph.D. Student Engaged