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1994Year In the first hours of his first visit to Europe as President, Bill Clinton sought tonight to reassure a continent full of skeptics that the United States remains committed to the Atlantic partnership and determined to resist the siren song of isolationism. Surrounded by rich carvings and sumptuous tapestries in Brussels' 15th-century City Hall, Mr. Clinton told an audience of more than 200 mostly young people, drawn from 30 countries, that Europe "is our most valued partner" in the economic and political spheres as well as in military affairs. CLINTON IN EUROPE: Clinton, in Brussels, Offers Commitment to Europe

On Eve of NATO Talks, President Tries to Ease Fears That His Focus Is on Asia

1947Year Refused permission to attend Petkov trial SOFIA AMITY TALKS FAIL

On Eve of Petkov Trial, Regime Bars Agrarian Proposals

2001Year Dave Anderson Sports of The Times column discusses Tiger Woods's slump in majors following win at Masters

on eve of PGA Championship, Woods appears fallible after disappointing finishes in United State and British Opens; photo (M) Sports of The Times; For Tiger, The Bear Is Lurking

1928Year Illness halts plans for Amer tour BAIKO, FAMOUS ACTOR OF JAPAN, HAS STROKE

On Eve of Proposed American Tour Collapses on Stage of a Tokio Theatre.

1933Year R I prepares for election of delegates to State ratification convention WETS HARD PUSHED FOR RHODE ISLAND

On Eve of Repeal Election, They Admit Saloon Return Has Strengthened Drys. FIVE OTHER VOTES IN MAY Shouse Expects Anti-Prohibition Victory in New York, New Jersey, Wyoming, Nevada and Delaware.

1950Year At the Mayor's Desk: Acting Mayor Impellitteri and Comr Murphy on anti-gambling drive POLICE HEAD JOINS MAYOR ON VIDEO

On Eve of Reporting Progress to Gov. Dewey They Pledge Riddance of Graft

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