1972Year J Fonda, arrived in Paris, July 23, from Hanoi calls Pres Nixon a 'traitor'
says traitor is not someone opposed to the war, but 'someone who is committing the most heinous crimes I think have ever been committed' Jane Fonda Accuses Nixon
1943Year Queen Wilhemina revs post-war rehabilitation plans
says traitors will be brought to justice and families reunited, Easter radio message Wilhelmina Warns Netherland Traitors In 'Flaming Protest' on Easter Broadcast
1969Year Tass repts Venera 5 will land on Venus on May 16 and Venera 6 on May 17
says trajectories of spacecraft were corrected to insure lauding Soviet Says 2 Venus Craft Will Land on May 16 and 17
1978Year Daughter of Tran Van Tuyen, prominent Vietnamese lawyer who opposed regimes of Ngo Dinh Diem and Nguyen Van Thieu, says he died in northern prison 20 mos ago
says Tran and son Tran Tu Than were sent to ‘re-educ’ camp in June '75, and son still is being held (S) Non.Communist Leader Dies in Vietnamese Jail
1957Year Dr Ayd urges treating mental patients in gen hosps
says tranquilizing drugs make procedure possible without risk to other patients; cites econ and psychiatric advantages NEW PLAN URGED FOR MENTALLY ILL; Doctors Told of Advantages of Treatment With Others in General Hospitals Drugs Replaee Restraint
2000Year Market Place column on Tribune Co-Times Mirror Co merger focuses on deal by Chandler family, owners of Times-Mirror, that will protect them from paying taxes, while giving them lower price for their Times-Mirror stock than will be available to public shareholders
says transaction appears to have provided short-term benefits to Chandlers at expense of their long-term financial interests (M) THE MARKETS: Market Place; A Family Chooses Tax Relief Over Big Profits