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1930Year Denies rept that he plans to resign as Mayor to become "czar" of motion picture industry MAYOR DENIES FILM RUMOR.

Says He Will Not Resign Jan. 1 to Take Over Will Hays's Job.

1923Year police strike to force his resignation

says he will not resign PEKING POLICE STRIKE TO OUST PRESIDENT; Plan to Force Li Yuan-Hang to Quit, But He Declares He Will Not Resign.

1931Year H Pueyrredon denies that he and O M Guido will resign as Gov-elect and Vice Gov-elect PUEYRREDON DENIES GIVING UP HIS OFFICE

Says He Will Not Resign Post as Governor of Buenos Aires Province.

1968Year Cohen looks back over his yrs with dept and says he has had 'wonderful time'

says he will not resign until last min; lists dept priorities for next 4 yrs; illus Cohen Holding Cabinet Job Till Last Minute; Liked It So Much He 'Should Have Paid to Be Here'


Says He Will Not Resign While Making Campaign

2000Year DaimlerChrysler AG chief executive Jurgen E Schrempp is grim but unrepentant as he reflects on his company's troubles

says he will not resign, and will not even consider idea of spinning off Chrysler, in whole or in part; most of Chrysler's top management has either quit or been fired, and hostility from Chrysler workers in Michigan is intense; Chrysler reports its American sales dropped 5 percent in November after dropping 8 percent in October; also announces it will temporarily shut 7 of its 12 factories; photo (M) No Apologies From Stuttgart; DaimlerChrysler's Chief Defends His Strategy

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