1966Year Terenzio says he is not disturbed by criticism
says plans include incorporating existing hosps and clinics into med centers; Thaler calls Lindsay citizens com 'cover up,' TERENZIO OUTLINES PLAN FOR HOSPITALS
Says Plans May Entail Sale of Some Properties and Decrease in Receipts. TWO DIVIDENDS OMITTED Quarterlies on Common and Preferred Are Passed to Conserve Cash Resources. 86 CENTS A SHARE EARNED $17,138,664 Net Income Reported for 1931, Against $19,160,618, or $1.08, in 1930. INSULL FOR CHANGE IN UTILITY'S CAPITAL
1942Year sees labor shortage by Fall
says plans not yet made to use 45-64 age group PRESIDENT DENIES A LABOR SHORTAGE; But He Thinks That by Fall Supply Will Be Problem
1949Year Gen Bradley acclaims pact as deterrent to aggressors, Voice of Amer radio s BRADLEY ACCLAIMS ATLANTIC DEFENSES
Says Plans of Pact Signatories May Deter Aggressor More Than the Atomic Bomb
1957Year Ger Dr Saenger says USSR ICBM is one of 2 missiles blueprinted by him in '42 while working at Nazi inst
says plans probably fell into Soviet hands in '45 SOVIET SAID TO USE NAZI ROCKET PLAN; German Physicist Reports Missile Was Described in 1942 Paper He Wrote
1971Year Repr Steele says high rate of addiction prompts Nixon Adm to seek step-up in troops withdrawal, statement
says plans result from his rept to HR com that soldier runs greater risk of becoming an addict than a combat casualty DRUGS REPORTED TIED TO VIETNAM PULLOUT